Thursday 18 September 2014

The lesbian slut party

You know that scene in mean girls? The one where Cadi aka Lindsey Lohan enters the gym full of girls and it all goes silent? That happens to me. All the fucking time.
Mia, Beth and I are referred to as the lesbian slut party. The whores. The hoe brigade. Our names are mud. If we breathe in a boys direction then we've obviously banged him. And here's how it happened.
Last Friday night was the sixth form BBQ. Everyone was going, there was alcohol, it was a night for a good time. We made a pact to kiss the boys we'd been crushing on, all of us, Mia would go for Josh, Beth for James and I'd kiss Max.
It was just a kiss, and the boys liked it, we liked it. Mia started dating Josh and I was on the way there with Max while Beth gave up on James and decided to become a crazy cat lady. 
Then the rumours started. Beth was on weed. Mia was an emo. We'd all had unprotected sex. They were flying round the school and some were believed. 
When we walked into the lunch hall a hush followed us, whispers flitted about behind our backs. Someone coughed "Slut party!" And we sat down, it taking about ten seconds for conversation to return to normal.
We remained composed in front of them but later we all broke down, Beth ringing her mum asking to come home, Mia wanting to leave the school entirely.
Are we really sluts? Did we cross some unnamed social line when we kissed those boys? They have been ignored entirely, so if so then it is hardly gender equal.
The thing that gets me is the term lesbian being used as a general insult in the same manner as slut. Closeted friends of ours look suitably awkward when listening in on conversations. 
Why is this necessary? What did we do wrong?  What did we do to these people that they should desire us harm? 
I wish I knew the answers.

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